Welcome from Albie Derbyshire, Elizabeta, Eugene &
All the Creators of The Online Marketing Acadamy!

 Part III:


 Step Three: 


A Positive Mental Attitude


Remember, you can do this in your spare timepart time 
or full time. You just need to understand the correct
strategy to succeed: 

"A bad attitude is like a flat tire.
You can't get very far unless you change it.


Think about this: 

The Success System That Never Fails.

First you need INSPIRATION to take action.
Second you need "Know-how" to begin the action correctly
Third you need "Activity-knowledge" or experience and practice
(from doing it over and over again) to succeed with the action. 

Keep in mind that your Thoughts effect your Emotional Feelings
Your Emotional Feelings effect your Habits.
Your Habits effect your Actions
Your Actions effect your Results

Emotional Feelings

Start off thinking about your Thoughts

"If my mind can concieve it and my heart can believe it,
then I know I can achieve it
Napolean Hill

Your thoughts and emotional feelings effect your HABITS

In order to create a habit, focus on doing something easy
every day
. Don't make it hard or intimidating. Keep in 
mind it's NOT so much about the activity, it's about creating 
the habit

Your habits will make or break you.

That's why its so important to read inspiring things each
day to motivate you so that you will develope those habits that will
drive your actions to create successful results in time.

If you do ten activities each day, try to make each of these
succesfful. Better to do two or three things successfully
each day then 10 incomplete.

The more things you can do each day successfully, the better.
But don't burn yourself out. Just go at a good pace and complete
each action you do successfully.   


Many successfully completed actions will accumulate
each week and create more and more overall success!


Find out what the "Power Of One" is and
how it can help you create MASSIVE LEVERAGE!

How to Get One Member a Month and 
Help Them Get One. 

 First Asset!

Upgrade to Endless Free Leads for $147 one time.
This will open the doors for you to earn $70
over and over again.*

*$20 a month + $50 from others
upgrading under you endless levels down
through Perpetual Leverage.


Find out about Free Lead Secrets and Perpetual Leverage here .
Login to PLS to upgrade 


When You're finished, contact your sponsor
and let them know!



Listen to the video while you read through the strategy below!


Remember playing Monopoly? 

An investment mindset is needed to
understand how assets work and in turn to
succeed working online. 

In Monopoly, The game pieces are:
your player, money, houses & hotels...

In Real Life the "game pieces" are:

A Good Coach,........................./...........................................
A Good Starter Program, allowing you to earn easily,.........

A Program that Allows You to also "Earn Big",....................

Has All the Tools, Advertising & Training............................

Helps You learn All 5 Critical Marketing Skills.....................

In the game Monopoly, your "first house" represents
your first online asset (that you can start earning from)

Working online, you will NOT being buying houses. 
Rather, you will be buying online digital assets
that can be bought once and easily resold over and
over again

In the game you learn how to turning your "houses into hotels".

On the internet we teach you:

How to create bigger online assets 
that earn you more and more!

(Not realestate or houses). 

In the game Monopoly, it's important to find the best locations to buy. 
For instance b
uying "Park Place" will earn you far more
many other "assets" on the board. 

Realize that when you use the best online programs,
you will earn you much more then 
and untested programs. 

For example, the Power Lead System (PLS) is our main backend
program that has all the tools that we use to teach you all the skills.

It's been around for 10 years (and hasn't missed
paying its members once).

We will show you how to earn $20 monthly commissions, 
$45 monthly commissions, $50$200 and $500 high ticket commissions
over and over again, with unlimited depth and width!

First, we show you how to help you and your family earn with
a free program 
called Cliqly. This program will
help you get started earning: 

10 Cents a Click
Earn $8 in 5 Minutes*

*Results May Vary

Use this knowledge in real life!

You can own real online assets 
that can earn you real money.

(This is similar to what a rented house or hotel will do for you offline).

 With the help of our team we will encourage you to save,
invest, work smart, teach you how to master the skills
and make it happen!

By the way, out team gets
 together each
night on Zoom (
Monday - Friday)!

Let's get started then!



Personal Free Team Coaching! Take advatage of this
awesome free program to help you! Go HERE .

you navigate each step of success



Albie Derbyshire 

Talk soon! 



Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
Click for Email Address
cell: 626-379-5692

EliAlbie67@gmail.com   Albie Derbyshire  Elizabeta Kuzevska     877-521-5505     cell: 626-379-5692